Friday, 20 March 2015

My colour poem on red

Red is the colour of a pretty red rose blowing in the summery wind 

Red is the feeling of the hot burning lava bursting from the volcano 

Red is the taste of the of a juice strawberry dripping off my chin 

Red is the sound of an explosion bursting out of my ears 

Red is the colour of a red little poppy that represents 
the soldiers. 

Dear mum

Dear mum

"I am very puffed  I was just minding my own bussins when I heard a swoop I looked behind and
A big eagle was flying at me with his yellow beady eyes. It was chasing me all though the foest. I climbed into jimmy a nest (uncle) but the eagle broke his house. I fell but no stopping I ran up a tree
And dug my claws into the dry bark. I finally find a small black hole he got closer arrr I jump  from tree to tree I do a big jump I got to the hole when suddenly SNAP the bark broke luckly I dug my claw and made it yeah" !!!!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Welcome To Yanas Awesome Blog !!!

Hello everyone !!

I am 10 years old

I have a brother and a sister

I love Apples

By Yana Latta