Friday 14 August 2015

Favorite Item

I had a favorite item that I had as a child I got it as a gift from my Nana and Granddad  it was from Scotland I got it when I was 7 or 8.

It was Green and it had a little hat and on the top of the hat was a pom pom The item had a tail and it was different shades of Green.

Granddad said that there were all different Sizes but they got me the smaller one because the big one would not fit in there bag for when they came home.

When they came home from Scotland we all went out to Nana and Granddads house for tea and thats when they gave it to me it was so cool It was….. I have grown out of it but it is down stairs.

Do you know what I am...... 


  1. Was it a Scottish Dancer?
    It sounds like one because it had a hat and was different Shades of green
    Has Your Grandparents Brung you anything else?

    1. Hi sorry I have not cheeked my older post for a while no my grandparents did not bring me ant thing else


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