Friday 5 May 2017

Anzac Biscuits

This week Totara 2 and 3 made Anzac biscuits for topic.We had to get into teams of four and my team was Ella,Mya,Mackenzie and me.We had trouble with making the biscuits because we didn't read the instructions right and we didn't melt the butter but we got there in the end and they turned out really nice.Here is a link for the recipe Food in a minute                                                              Image result for anzac biscuits


  1. Hi Yana. I really enjoyed making the ANZAC biscuits (but not as much as eating them!) What was the trickiest part of making the biscuits? Miss H

  2. Miss Hines my trickiest part was making sure they all got cooked the same and also dough was crumbly and it was hard to squish them down and molding them


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